
Why Do Pallbearers Sometimes Stop on the Way to the Grave?

Eliza Feller • Feb 27, 2020

As Jews, we believe it is our duty to accompany the deceased to the cemetery for burial, as the Hebrew word for funeral is “levaya,” which literally means “escorting.” Burying the dead is one of the biggest mitzvahs that we can complete, because we know that there is no way for that person to ever repay us for this act. But have you ever wondered why we sometimes make several brief stops while carrying the casket from the hearse to the grave?

We’ve reached out to a couple of local Rabbis to ask what their take on this tradition is. Rabbi Chai Posner, of Beth Tfiloh Congregation, believes that – much like using the back of the shovel to place earth in the grave – it shows reluctance. Rabbi Posner is quoted saying, “It shows that we are hesitant. It is a balance between a mitzvah and hesitation that we don’t want to be burying them. It makes what we are doing very intentional – just like using the back of the shovel.” We also reached out to Rabbi Susan Grossman of Beth Shalom Congregation in Columbia, who had a another approach to this sacred act. Rabbi Grossman says, “We stop seven times, one for each day of the week, to represent creation. We honor the deceased by stopping seven times because each individual represents the full potential of creation.”

Both of these explanations provide a deep insight to the Jewish views of death and burial, meant to give mourners some comfort during a very difficult time. Of course, like anything else in Judaism, we have heard several other explanations throughout the years, and we always recommend that you reach out to your own rabbi to see what their beliefs are.

When someone we know loses a loved one it is our instinct to comfort them, whether that is with words, food, or a hug. Often times, we find ourselves at a loss for what to say, or accidentally saying the wrong thing, even though our intentions are well-meaning. There are several do’s and don’ts when it comes to comforting mourners and, specifically, attending a shiva house. Read on for more information on what is appropriate and helpful during someone’s mourning period.

Beginning with the universal comfort, food is always welcome at a shiva house. The last thing anyone who is grieving should have to concern themselves with is cooking (for themselves or their guests). You should be sure to find out in advance if it is a Kosher home so as not to send anything that can’t be eaten. Any food should also be easy to serve and not have to be prepared (things like deli trays, bagels, and dessert trays are always good options). You might also consider sending them a credit or gift card to a restaurant or deli that they can use at a later date, since they may be inundated with food trays in the early days.

If you are looking for things to do to help, any cleaning up or regular household chores will always go a long way in making things easier for the family. Doing dishes or cleaning the kitchen is the most obvious. Taking the trash and recycling out is another chore that sometimes gets ignored until the end of the evening once it is overflowing. Depending on how close you are with the family, you could even consider something like cutting the grass if it needs it in the morning before anyone arrives. Of course you don’t want want to overstep but, based on your relationship, you can determine how involved you should get. If you are tasked with helping to set up or organize the shiva house, check out our page with tips to setting up a shiva house. Try to anticipate their needs instead of asking “What can I do to help”, because they probably do not know what they need.

Try to avoid saying things like, “I know how you feel,” “When my mother died…,” or “At least they didn’t suffer.” The truth is you really do not know how they feel, or if they suffered, even if you also lost your mother recently to the same illness. Mourning is an extremely personal experience and no one knows what someone else goes through when they lose someone. Instead, tell them how sorry you are for their loss, be there to listen or sit quietly with them. If you are struggling with what to say, it is important to share memories of the deceased, or times the mourner told you a story about that person. You should also avoid cliches like, “He is in a better place,” “She lived a long life,” or “Time heals all wounds.” In the mind of a mourner, there is no better place for their loved one to be than with them and, even if their mother was 98, no life is long enough. There is also no time limit on someone’s grief. According to Carla Sofka, Professor of Social Work at Siena College, “We grieve, five or ten minutes a time, for the rest of our lives.” ( womensrabbinicnetwork.wordpress.com ).

Sometimes, the best thing you can do for a mourner is just quietly and be there with them. Let them do the talking if they feel like it. Hug them, tell them how sorry you are, and continue to be there when shiva is over. It is important to remember that once everyone else has gone back to their normal lives, they are left to navigate a new life without their loved one. Remember to extend an arm and offer comfort once life has moved on for everyone else.

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By Eliza Feller 01 Sep, 2023
Holiday seasons are always challenging, whether a loved one has died in the past year or if it has been many years since they've been gone. As we approach the holidays of Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, and Sukkot, there are many opportunities to honor someone's memory and acknowledge the loss you have experienced. Intentionally planning to incorporate some of these practices helps us gain the most benefit from this special time of the year. All of the following are open to adjustment based on your needs. Visit the grave of a loved one - Many people plan to visit a grave before Rosh Hashanah and/or between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. Some use it to "tell" their loved one everything that has happened the past year, or just spend some time at the cemetery. If you always did the crosswords together, sat and read, or something similar, there's no reason you can't do that at the cemetery. Plan an activity - Whether with family or on your own, do something that reminds you of the person. Cook a favorite dish, go for a hike or to a sporting event, volunteer at an organization they supported, attend a concert or the theater. Even if you do this solo, telling friends or family about it is a way to share that tradition with others. Seek out companionship - Not everyone has surviving family, they are not always nearby, or you may not be in touch with them. Whether you reach out to extended family or get together with the family you've created through friendships, commit to spending a little time with others. Share with them some of the activities mentioned above, memories of your loved one, or just a meal and some time together. Make a donation - Donate to a charity your loved one supported, or one dedicated to researching a cure for whatever illness they may have had. Attend a yizkor service - The yizkor memorial service takes place during two of the high holyday services. The first is on Yom Kippur, which falls on September 25. The second is on Shemini Atzeret (in non-Reform congregations), which falls on October 7. Service times vary by congregation and most are posted on their websites. Light a memorial candle - It is customary to light a small yahrzeit candle the evening before the yizkor services (the evenings of September 24 and October 6). Candles can typically be found in the kosher food section of most grocery stores and in synagogue gift shops. Honor your survival - No relationship is perfect. Sometimes there is residual anger over hurtful relationships, the cause of someone's death, unresolved interpersonal issues, et cetera. You are not expected to grieve a certain way, and some people are grieving more than a death. Whether you would benefit from a night away, a massage, a bucket list activity, a small but meaningful purchase - or some other way of acknowledging your specific grief - take some time to grant yourself compassion and honor for whatever point you've reached on your journey. As always, please don't hesitate to reach out to us about our Grief Support programs . The State of Maryland also has a page with links to Grief and Loss Resources . *If you are having a mental health crisis, please go to your nearest emergency room or call 911.*
By Eliza Feller 01 Sep, 2023
What decisions should you make ahead of time - for housing needs and funeral options - to ease the financial and emotional burdens on your family? Join us to find out! Thursday, September 28, 2023 7-8:30 pm Atrium Village 4730 Atrium Ct, Owings Mills 21117 Presenters: BethAnn Talbot, Family Ally at Compassionate Ally Eliza Feller, Director of Advance Planning at Levinson's Funeral Home Curious about the decision-making process for finding loved ones independent, assisted living and memory care forever homes? Interested in the myriad options that go into funeral preplanning? Looking to find ways to control the financial impact on your family of these future needs? We look forward to covering these topics in a pressure-free environment. Dessert and refreshments will be served. RSVP here by Friday, September 22 or 410-653-8900 Sponsored by Atrium Village, Compassionate Ally, and Sol Levinson Funeral Home.
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Perhaps you're just starting to think about preplanning and don't know what it's about. Or you made some prearrangements in the past but things have changed since then. Check out our short video overview on what Advance Planning entails. We're pretty sure it's less intimidating than you think.
By Eliza Feller 08 Nov, 2022
Thursday, November 10 3:00-4:00 p.m. Registration required LOCATION Beth El Congregation, 8101 Park Heights Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21208 Agus Library Are you curious about long-standing funeral traditions, tales you’ve been told about who can be buried where or how, and modern options for end-of-life ceremonies? Join Levinson’s Director of Advance Planning, Eliza Feller, to learn about the decisions that go into planning a funeral and why advance planning can make an overwhelming time significantly easier on your family. Bring the questions you’ve always hesitated to ask - whether basic logistics, unusual circumstances, or simple curiosity. This event is hosted by the Rabbi Mark G. Loeb Center for Lifelong Learning at Beth El Congregation. As this is part of Beth El 's educational series, registration is required at https://www.bethelbalto.com/adults Beth El's fees for attendance are $18 for Beth El Congregation members and $36 for non-members
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